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Orphan Sponsorship

The conflict in Lebanon has left thousands of children without a parent and in poverty. Give direct support and relief to orphans and their families when you donate with Zakat House

Sponsor an orphan today

Create a future for someone special

Children make up almost one-third of the Lebanese population. Around 10% of these children have a high chance of experiencing the loss of a parent, both parents, or may be subject to abandonment due to abject poverty. This leaves tens of thousands of children in Lebanon without funding or support, institutionalised in a system where they face uncertain and unpromising futures.

But thanks to your generosity and support, Zakat House currently and directly cares and provides for hundreds of orphans in Northern Lebanon. 

Providing essential support to orphans

Founded in 1989, the Orphan Sponsorship program is the cornerstone project of Zakat House Australia. It forms the central, ongoing, relief and assistance-based initiative that we have operating in Lebanon all throughout the year.

Through this program, we provide orphan children and their families the means to meet their basic needs and live a joyful life. This includes not only providing them with essential food products, medical support and educational services, but also various social development opportunities, including sports and recreation activities for children of all ages.

A program powered by the kindness and generosity of many

When you sponsor an orphan through Zakat House Australia, all your donation goes directly to helping the child and their family through connected and ongoing in-person support. Year by year, you’ll be able to see how you’ve changed lives through a yearly progress report of your sponsored orphan.

So many orphans in Lebanon are in need of our support and aid. Give them the future they deserve. Please consider sponsoring a child today.

Sponsor an Orphan