Where there are crises, we are on the ground working closely with local communities, supporting people in need through projects in Gaza, Lebanon and across Asia and Africa.
Lebanon Emergency Relief
Lebanon needs your help and it’s urgent! Over 500 lives lost, entire families wiped out and more than 1,800 wounded.
United and powered by trust, knowledge and the kindness of many
Our philosophy is simple, obvious and forthcoming. When it comes to our work as a charitable organisation, Zakat House focuses our efforts, time and resources on a unified cause and targeted.
Directly providing for the poor and needy in Lebanon for over 30 years
Our journey started in 1989, with the launch of our “Orphan Sponsorship” program. Developed to provide for the needs of vulnerable orphans in Northern Lebanon, our initial year saw us assist 12 orphans.
A Heartbreaking Reality In Gaza, the unimaginable has become a tragic reality: WCNSF – Wounded Child No Surviving Family.
These innocent children have lost everything. Brave Palestinians have stepped up to care for them, but they cannot do it alone.
Zakat House is on the ground, delivering shelter, food, and comfort to these vulnerable children. Together, we can ensure they receive the life-saving aid they desperately need.
💙 Your support can make all the difference. Visit our website to donate: zakathouse.org.au/
Let’s stand together in compassion and care for those who have no one left.
Assalam Alaikom, i looked at your page but there is no separate category for the WCNSF appeal. Can you please help. JazakAllah Khair.
The Quran mentions that those who spend their wealth for the sake of Allah and help those in need will be rewarded with a place in paradise.Come join ALQURBAN FOUNDATION and have best reward from Allah by helping poor and needy
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم امتثالاً لقضاء الله وقدره، بيت الزكاة في أستراليا، رئيساً وأعضاء، ينعون إليكم وفاة الأخ الكبير والمجاهد المتواضع وأحد أبرز مؤسسي بيت الزكاة في أستراليا الحاج هشام كريّم رحمه الله وأسكنه فسيح جنانه. رحم الله فقيدنا الغالي وإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون. بيت الزكاة في أستراليا 15 رجب 1446
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful With humble acceptance of Allah’s will, the president and members of Zakat House Australia mourn the passing away of our beloved brother and one of the prominent founders of Zakat House, Hajj Hisham Krayem May Almighty Allah have mercy on him and grant him a higher place in Paradise Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we shall return Zakat House Australia 15 Rajab 1446 ... See MoreSee Less
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
إن شهر رمضان المبارك هو وقت للتأمل الذاتي والرحمة والكرم. وبينما نصوم ونسعى إلى التقرب من الله، فلنتذكر الأيتام الذين لا يحصلون على وجبات مناسبة. يعتمد هؤلاء الأطفال المعرضون للخطر على دعمنا لتجربة فرحة وبركات رمضان.
فلنجتمع معًا من أجل هذه القضية النبيلة.أعطوا من أجل الله واجعلوا رمضان هذا مميزًا للأيتام.تقبل الله أعمالكم وبارك فيكم.
منظمة مالابا الخيرية في أوغندا أفريقيا.
As the world begins to uncover the devastating reality in Gaza, millions continue to endure unimaginable suffering.
This winter, with your generous support, Zakat House Emergency Relief in Gaza is making a difference by providing: 🔴 Tents for shelter 🔴 Nutritious food parcels 🔴 Warm clothing 🔴 Quality meat and other essentials
We are on the ground, bringing hope and relief to those who need it most.
Act now and save lives. ➡️ Visit: www.zakathouse.org.au 📌 Follow us here for updates: Zakat House
A Heartbreaking Reality
In Gaza, the unimaginable has become a tragic reality: WCNSF – Wounded Child No Surviving Family.
These innocent children have lost everything. Brave Palestinians have stepped up to care for them, but they cannot do it alone.
Zakat House is on the ground, delivering shelter, food, and comfort to these vulnerable children. Together, we can ensure they receive the life-saving aid they desperately need.
💙 Your support can make all the difference.
Visit our website to donate: zakathouse.org.au/
Let’s stand together in compassion and care for those who have no one left.
#ZakatHouse #GazaRelief #HumanityFirst #OrphanSupport #Compassion #StandWithPalestine #DonateNow #WCNSF #TogetherWeCanIsrael’s brutality has left a new phenomenon in Gaza - WCNSF ‘Wounded Child No Surviving Family’
Many Palestinians have stepped up to care for these children, but they cannot sustain without your support.
You can provide the life-saving aid they so desperately need.
Zakat House is doing incredible work on the ground, providing shelter, food and comfort.
Website: zakathouse.org.au/ ... See MoreSee Less
5 CommentsComment on Facebook
Assalam Alaikom, i looked at your page but there is no separate category for the WCNSF appeal. Can you please help. JazakAllah Khair.
The Quran mentions that those who spend their wealth for the sake of Allah and help those in need will be rewarded with a place in paradise.Come join ALQURBAN FOUNDATION and have best reward from Allah by helping poor and needy
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
امتثالاً لقضاء الله وقدره، بيت الزكاة في أستراليا، رئيساً وأعضاء، ينعون إليكم وفاة الأخ الكبير والمجاهد المتواضع وأحد أبرز مؤسسي بيت الزكاة في أستراليا الحاج هشام كريّم رحمه الله وأسكنه فسيح جنانه.
رحم الله فقيدنا الغالي وإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون.
بيت الزكاة في أستراليا
15 رجب 1446
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
With humble acceptance of Allah’s will, the president and members of Zakat House Australia mourn the passing away of our beloved brother and one of the prominent founders of Zakat House, Hajj Hisham Krayem
May Almighty Allah have mercy on him and grant him a higher place in Paradise
Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we shall return
Zakat House Australia
15 Rajab 1446 ... See MoreSee Less
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رحمة الله عليه واسكنه فسيح جناته عظم الله أجركم
عظم الله اجركم ورحمه الله تعالى
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، إن شهر رمضان المبارك هو وقت للتأمل الذاتي والرحمة والكرم. وبينما نصوم ونسعى إلى التقرب من الله، فلنتذكر الأيتام الذين لا يحصلون على وجبات مناسبة. يعتمد هؤلاء الأطفال المعرضون للخطر على دعمنا لتجربة فرحة وبركات رمضان. فلنجتمع معًا من أجل هذه القضية النبيلة.أعطوا من أجل الله واجعلوا رمضان هذا مميزًا للأيتام.تقبل الله أعمالكم وبارك فيكم. منظمة مالابا الخيرية في أوغندا أفريقيا. wa.me/message/FMOGCXPZN7CHK1
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As the world begins to uncover the devastating reality in Gaza, millions continue to endure unimaginable suffering.
This winter, with your generous support, Zakat House Emergency Relief in Gaza is making a difference by providing:
🔴 Tents for shelter
🔴 Nutritious food parcels
🔴 Warm clothing
🔴 Quality meat and other essentials
We are on the ground, bringing hope and relief to those who need it most.
Act now and save lives.
➡️ Visit: www.zakathouse.org.au
📌 Follow us here for updates: Zakat House
#ZakatHouse #GazaRelief #humanitarianaid #WinterRelief #savelives #ActNow #CompassionInAction ... See MoreSee Less
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