Feeding thousands on Eid through your kindness

For over 25 years, Muslims in Australia have trusted Bayt Al Zakat to perform their Qurban sacrifice and distibute to the poor and need. Give with us again and help us transform lives this Eid

Qurban 2023


Qurban 2023

Where would you like to give Qurban? Please be sure to select the correct amount after choosing your country.

Qurban 2023

Where would you like to give Qurban? Please be sure to select the correct amount after choosing your country.

  • $90
  • $180
  • $270


Providing needy families with the best of gifts during the best of days

Blessed are the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah and Eid Al-Adha, the Day of Sacrifice, the greatest days in Islam. For the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “There are no days during which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

Ways to get involved this Dhul Hijjah

Give Qurban

Create a Fundraiser

Give Zakat

Sponsor Orphans

Providing essential support to orphans

As days where no good deed is more beloved to Allah the Almighty than those done in this blessed time, we cherish them greatly by increasing acts of worship and sharing happiness and compassion among our beloved brothers and sisters. 

But for many of our brothers and sisters living in regions stricken by war, natural disasters and conflict, their best ten days are spent enduring suffering and poverty. That’s why we step forward to lend a helping hand to the poor and needy through the Adahi project. With your support through Adahi donations, we work towards relieving disadvantaged families from their burdens and bringing them joy and warmth during this special occasion.

Give Qurban Today

Feeding thousands on Eid Al-Adha through generosity and kindness

Last year, by the will of Allah and your generous support, we were able to distribute over 4000 Qurban packs directly to the families most in need in Lebanon, as well as across Asia and Africa.

Adahi donations are $190 for Lebanon and $90 for Asia. In all your donations, we make sure your support makes it immediately to those most in need, when they need it.

Qurban to Asia

Qurban to Africa

    Your Donation